Heart Full of Love
As we wrap up SEASON 9 (!!!!) , my heart is full of gratitude and appreciation. When we are in season, actively producing and creating the podcast, I am zoned in. My focus is on details, on content, on presentation and the minutia of making things perfect. Now that we have shared our final episode (Craig! Have you listened? Click here to listen now - trust me… you don’t want to miss this one!) and have caught our breath, I can look back with wide eyes and an open heart.
Truth be told, it’s hard for me to hear my own voice when I listen back, so I tend to disassociate a bit. I listen to the stories as if I’m not me (Am I sharing too much of my inner dialogue?!) and just a “normal” listener. And, you guys, this season - these stories - have completely blown me away. The fact that our guests so openly exposed their feelings, their experience and their heart is such a beautiful things to witness. Now, don’t mistake my spotlight on this season as playing favorites, I love ALL the stories and all the seasons - but this one, illuminating grief, just hit me differently. Hearing these stories felt more raw and sacred. It forced our guests (well, and us too!) to dig down and really explore the feelings that grief and loss lay out for us. And these 10 guests that we hosted did just that. Each person had their own experience with loss and conveyed their distinct feelings candidly. I did notice, though, the way grief presented throughout this season was similar and that really adds value to my philosophy of this great phenomenon. Grief is something that is so individualistic but we all experience it. How can something be so personal yet so universal?
I remain in awe of this paradox.
Season 9 was a deep exploration of a place most people don’t want to analyze, let alone talk about, and it will forever hold a special place in my heart. A big shoutout to my girl with the best editing skills around, MKB. Endless love for your and for your craft. Thank you for trusting me with this theme and for encouraging me to always push myself farther. You have made my life significantly better and I know how lucky I am to get to know you. Big heart, my girl.
And to our guests, our storytellers, our people…. Thank you for opening up and sharing your vulnerabilities with us. It takes immense courage to be honest about our struggles and feelings, and your willingness to do so creates a supportive space where we can all relate and grow together. Your stories not only inspire others to share but also enrich our community, reminding us that we are not alone in our experiences. Each moment of vulnerability we share brings us closer, and for that, we are truly and beyond grateful. Big love, big admiration and a big, BIG thank you. We are forever in awe of you.